It’s Thanksgiving week and I am grateful for so many things. Here is a list of a few of them, in no particular order:

-The kindness of others

-My family & friends

-The opportunity to share my music with audiences in so many places

-To be working with such wonderful musicians

-For technology

-The good and caring teachers at my daughter’s school

-My husband’s willingness to take care of everything when I am on tour

-The restored health of my mother

-My fabulous felines

-Good piano technicians


-A warm house

-Sunrises and sunsets

-A career I love


-Life itself

Every day things break that need fixing, there are messes that need to be cleaned up, there are things that don’t go our way–but through it all, ain’t life grand after all? It’s a miracle. That’s what it is.

Happy Thanksgiving,

xo Robin