
Here’s to the Grads

It's that time of year----graduation and senior prom photos are all over Facebook; and parents everywhere are asking where did the time go. In a few years, I'll be one of them. But until then, congratulations to all the graduates out there!  xo Robin    

2014-05-28T20:16:35-04:00May 28th, 2014|News, Uncategorized|0 Comments

Rainy Day Craft Project #1

I went to a flea market this weekend and picked up a few items for $1 that I thought would be nice in my home if I added a little effort and creativity. The plus-side of only spending a buck is that if the project doesn't turn out too well, no big loss. Believe me, I have created some pretty ugly projects that ended up in the scrap pile, but [...]

2014-05-11T20:51:34-04:00May 11th, 2014|crafts with Robin|0 Comments

Everything in Time – (press play and read…)

Time is one concept I can't seem to grasp. We are taught from an early age that time is a constant; then we live our lives and it never feels that way. Time moves slowly. Time moves too quickly. There is too much time and we are bored. There is not enough time and we can't finish. Then there is the complicated part of time—the kind we have to [...]

2014-04-16T12:20:37-04:00April 16th, 2014|News|0 Comments

I Remember Spring….Do You?

Here it is March 17th and it is snowing. Hard. Be that as it may, Spring is unstoppable and she will be here...eventually...with all her gifts: flowers, warm breezes, sunshine, longer days, baby animals, birds nesting. Here is a sample of my song, "I Remember Spring" from my CD, A New Kind of Love. I hope it puts a "spring" in your step. Here's a photo of me [...]

2019-04-28T19:56:36-04:00March 17th, 2014|News|0 Comments

Fun Craft Project (snow day #1)

We had a lot of snow this Winter, and as a result, we've been indoors making music, art, crafts—that is, when we aren't reading! Here is one project that was fun and easy to make. Perhaps you'll want to do this with your son or daughter to pass the time on a rainy or snowy day. I am working on making my guest room a bit more inviting and personal [...]

2014-02-11T22:48:12-05:00February 11th, 2014|crafts with Robin|0 Comments

Getting Over “The Two Guys Incident”

I found this photo recently. I am holding my mother's hand in our Irvington, NJ apartment. I am waving goodbye. I wonder where we were going. I love how our clothes match. I don't remember this particular day, but I do remember being about this age and getting lost in the Two Guys Department store. It was terrifying. I must have let go of my mother's hand. It seems like [...]

2014-01-07T22:41:07-05:00January 7th, 2014|News|0 Comments

Fancy Meeting You Here

    I'm in the thick of my "book release tour" where I perform a concert, read excerpts from my new memoir and then meet folks afterward to sign books and talk about music and life. This past weekend I played Joe's Pub, the adorable yet hip club inside The Public Theater in Manhattan. I had played this venue before so I knew the drill for the sound check. I [...]

2019-04-28T20:23:49-04:00October 28th, 2013|News|0 Comments

Reading Aloud

I remember going to the library with my mother in Irvington, New Jersey. We walked there from our two-family house on Campfield Street. The library card was magic. Possessing it meant we could leave the library with as many books as our arms could carry. My mother often sat with my sister and I flanked at her sides with the treasure on her lap, and she would read aloud. We’d [...]

2019-04-28T20:23:43-04:00October 2nd, 2013|News|0 Comments

The Shame of the Shoes

I tried throwing them away. I really did. They were just so shabby; looking at them it was obviously the only thing to do. But five minutes later I found myself rifling through the trash can to retrieve them. These weren’t just any shoes after all. These were my AIRPORT SHOES. My go-to pair. They have seen me through from New York to California, Maine to Florida, Montana to Ohio [...]

2013-09-10T21:49:44-04:00September 10th, 2013|News|0 Comments
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