On Friday, my 18th recording quietly launched into the world. And that was kind of perfect, because the recording itself is quiet, subtle, and filled with nuance. A few months ago, I dared to allow the recording engineer to hit the record button while I dreamed up piano improvisations with the intention of quieting my own worries, and those of anyone else who might later listen to my musings. My daughter had just left for college, there was a loved one in the hospital, and there was disturbing news on every page of the newspaper. I hadn’t been sleeping. I could use some rest, some quiet, I thought. And I bet others are craving that too. I had already heard from listeners that my music had helped smooth the rough edges in their lives…dare I go a step further and attempt to solve some insomnia with music?
I suppose this is the prescription many were waiting for, as the album quickly sold out on Amazon (they are restocking) and my web site saw a flurry of orders come through for the recording and optional accompany dream journal. It would indeed be ironic if my best seller turns out to be a recording I dreamed up in a day, and my best selling book was primarily blank, but it wouldn’t surprise me.
The CD is streaming everywhere now (Spotify), Pandora.com etc. and available for download on iTunes and Amazon. Physical copies are here on my site and on Amazon. Nighty, night. xo Robin
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